Here in this i demonstrated using XMLUtil.
'Objective : Compare two XML Files
'Functionality : The below script compares two XML Files
' s_FilePath1, s_FilePath1 These two variables holds the XML Files respctively
' s_DiffFilePath will holds the difference between these two XML Files
'Author : Udaya Anem
'Scripted on : 4th Sept
'Updated by :
Dim s_FilePath1,s_FilePath2
Dim o_XML1,o_XML2,o_XMLDiff
Dim s_DiffFilePath
Dim b_RetVal
s_FilePath1="E:\Programming Samples\QTP Samples\Cars.xml" 'This is XML File Path 1
s_FilePath2="E:\Programming Samples\QTP Samples\Cars1.xml" 'This is XML File Path 2
s_DiffFilePath= "E:\Diff.xml"
'Set o_XML1=XMLUtil.CreateXML()
'Set o_XML2=XMLUtil.CreateXML()
Set o_XML1=XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile(s_FilePath1)
Set o_XML2=XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile(s_FilePath2)
'The Compare method from XMLData compares XML Files
If b_RetVal=1 Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"XML Comparison","XML Comparison is Successful"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"XML Comparison","XML Comparison is Failed"
s_DiffFilePath=Environment("TestDir")&"\XML Diff File.xml"
o_XMLDiff.savefile s_DiffFilePath
End If
Set o_XML1=nothing
Set o_XML2=nothing
hello sir, do you have a php code of comparing two xml files?